Saturday, January 7, 2012

Some of my Favorite Things: For the Home

My friend and I found bowls like these on Pinterest the other day and both fell in love. Not only were they retailing for $85 each but they were sold out so we decided to try making them on our own. I would call it a success. These bowls were easy and cheap to make, they instantly became the perfect solution for my jewelry organization issues.

We purchased the white ceramic bowls at a Crate and Barrel outlet store for less than $5 each, they have plenty of shapes and sizes to choose from. We found gold liquid leaf from Michaels that worked great on the smooth surface. 

After taping off the desired amount from the top of the bowl, we simply painted the liquid leaf onto the remainder of the inside. Once the liquid leaf dried, we took off the tape and applied a sealer. It was that easy.

They now live here, on my dresser, filled with my favorite jewelry pieces of the moment. On a side note - while we were at the outlets I made an impromptu stop at Coach...20 minutes later I was out the door with a new bag and wallet for a deal that was too good to pass up {to be fair, I was most definitely in the market for a new bag, it had to be done}. 

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